Friday, February 24, 2006

Cellphones in our lifes

Cellphones that double & triple as music players, personal organisers and cameras are just the beginning. Theese are well on their way to becomming a remote control for our lives.
Smart handsets are already eingused by busy executives to retreive important documents from office computers halfway across the globe. They are handling email, programming set top boxes,and keeping an eye on the home surveillence system. Tourists lost in foreign capitals can now, with a GPS-equipped cellphone, locate themselves using on-screen maps. Millions of Japaneese already use their handsets as digital wallets.
Sofware makers are comming up with ways to lend mobile handsets some of the prime functions of a personal computer. One such program comes from EasyReach, a California based start-up, that enales users of smartphones such as Palm's Treo, which boasts of pc-like operating system,to search their pc's by keyboard. Punch a few more buttons and Easy reach users can e-mail retreived documents to whatever address they choose.


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